The Dune Mouse’s Winter Tale

Not already!  Sims decked out for the upcoming season!

The Trans Siberian Pachelbel

Alice's winter tale2


This enchanting build is  called “Let it Snow” ( by Milly Sharple) and well worth a visit!

Let it snow
Let it snow

and an image I took when I was in Ireland will  begin a fairy tale

snowy trees2sig
in Killarney National Park, County Kerry

“Why this isn’t the same place at all!” said Miss Alice Beamish, “and where’s unicorn?” She looked around the sparkling woodlands in dismay!  On top of everything else Mother had burned  all the eat -me cookies except for the two Alice held – one in each hand.  She was very hungry and was therefore having a hard time leaving a few crumbs to mark the path. There wouldn’t be much of a trail to follow back home. A beautiful conservatory was visible through the frosty trees but as she approached  she saw it was empty and abandoned. Not far away snow powder gently drifted around a lonely carousel. Sadly the paused animals looked as though they had frozen during the night.  Not a single person was waiting to ride.  

gazebo winter

Alice wondered where everyone was? What strange enchantment had occurred here? She entered the empty glass ballroom and shivered slightly. Outside  she could see the sparkling snow descending gently over the silent world, and remembering a trick her brother taught her,  she stood very still and looked straight up into the glass cupola.  After a few moments of concentration she was at the center of a universe of  falling snowflakes.


She felt her stomach drop as the sensation of ascent began.  A perfect garden spaceship had taken flight. The trick was working and everything had reversed. The snow no longer fell but hung motionless in space as the conservatory was propelled upward, higher and higher into the heavens. Hundreds of hissing stars were shot from invisible bows and blazed by the window panes, melting  Winter Jack’s lacy artwork.  Alice heard the echoing oboe of the solar wind interspersed with the percussive swoosh of meteorites and spinning planets!  The smaller shooting stars reverberated like Tibetan Singing Bowls. “Why this is a place of music and dancing after all!” she exclaimed holding her hands over her ears as the floor tipped this way and that.  At once she became aware that the illuminated yule tree in the middle of the room was pointing toward the Constellation of Taurus.  They were definitely heading in the direction of Aldebaran and she knew now she wouldn’t be back in time for tea.

– for unicornmore illustrated story and to meet the unicorn check out the first story,  Alice’s  Twinkling Winter’s Tale; – and in the meantime let it snow!

this story was also posted on “There was a Time”


lovely winter





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